10 years together – Company Rudnik i flotacija Rudnik doo
On 23 September 2014, 10 years have elapsed since the privatization of company Rudnik i flotacija Rudnik doo. In 2004, “Rudnik” was privatized and became the first private mine with underground exploitation after the Second World War.
10 years of work – 10 results:
• There were 295 employees on the privatization day. Today, the company employs 420 people. At the moment, we have received 350 job applications.
• Since the privatization, i.e. from October 2004 through August 2014, more than USD 8.5 million have been invested in mine modernization (infrastructure, equipment, IT and machinery).
• We own 3 ISO standards: ISO 9001, 14001, 18001. Company Rudnik was the first to obtain the document and certificate of this type within its field of activity.
• 10 years after the privatization, we have certified reserves for at least 10 years of the mine’s work. In 2013, 263,000 tons of run-of-mine ores were excavated and processed, compared with 124,500 tons in 2004, prior to privatization. That constitutes an increase of 111%, and the production scope has been doubled.
• We invest in the future of the mine, in the exploration and discovery of new reserves. In 2013, 24,711 meters of holes were drilled by means of exploration drilling, which represents an absolute record in the history of the Rudnik company.
• Since the privatization, the salary mass has increased 6.3 times, from USD 64,000 to USD 400,000. Our best miner has a net salary of USD 1,200.00.
• We attend to our local community! By applying the corporate social responsibility practice, we are involved in all the activities directed towards the improvement of the quality of life in the municipal territory. We have realized a large number of investments in infrastructure facilities, we support a number of cultural events and we also provide sponsorships, donations and scholarships.
• We attend to our employees! In 2013, there were only 7 injuries at work, which is the best result in the history of the Rudnik mine. This year, to this very day, we have had only 3 injuries. Our goal is to reduce the number of injuries to the minimum. We have signed a contract with the Military-Medical Academy on the medical treatment of our workers, annual or periodical medical examinations, etc.
• We have provided our employees with good conditions for work and professional advancement. We keep investing in new staff.
• We attend to the environment! The activities in Rudnik related to environment protection are realized in line with the design documentation which has been harmonized with the Law on Environment Protection. We give support to environment protection organizations and projects implemented within the local community, especially the ones involving children.