Company Rudnik receives an international award
At an international competition of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, as part of a campaign entitled Healthy Workplaces for All Ages, company Rudnik i flotacija Rudnik doo received, in the field of safety and health at work, a prestigious award of the European Commission on the topic of Comprehensive Implementation of Safe and Healthy Work for All Employees with Constant Application of and Amendments to the Risk Assessment Act.
The award was given to company Rudnik today, at a ceremonial conference of the International Organization for Safety and Health at Work in Valetta, Malta.
The company Rudnik is the first and only company from the Republic of Serbia to have received such a prestigious award and, moreover, this is the first time that any company from the former Yugoslavia has achieved such a result and recognition in the field of occupational safety and health.
The award was given to the authors of the work, Zoran Nedeljkovic, executive director, and Ljiljana Obrenovic, advisor for chemistry and ecology. Company Rudnik is the only company – award recipient which is not from an EU member-state.
Within the 2016 competition, the first step represented the selection of the best practices at the national level. The best candidates selected nationwide competed for the designation of the best practice example in Europe. The national competition, within the Republic of Serbia, was organized by the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs – the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Among the works submitted by Serbian candidates for the international good practice competition, the selection panel of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs – the Occupational Safety and Health Administration decided that, at this prestigious competition, the Republic of Serbia should be represented by two companies – company Rudnik i flotacija Rudnik doo being one of the two.
The project on the topic entitled Comprehensive Implementation of Safe and Healthy Work for All Employees with Constant Application of and Amendments to the Risk Assessment Act was submitted for assessment to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, in Bilbao, Spain. After the analysis of 42 projects from 23 countries in total, the jury decided to present awards to the companies from the following countries: Serbia, Germany, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Austria and Hungary.
The awarded project of company Rudnik i flotacija Rudnik doo laid special emphasis on the successful implementation of social dialogue realized between employers and employee representatives through a holistic and humanistic approach to the realization and application of the International Labour Organization’s conventions and recommendations by means of organized prevention and the application of the following basic principles:
• Selection – Not every person is for every job
• Continuous education and training of employees
• Organization of work environment
• Continuous realization of social dialogue between the employer and the employee
• Technical protection
• Health education and health promotion
• Keeping records