Company Rudnik at the European Good Practice Competition
The Commission of the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Combat and Social Issues – Administration for Safety at Work, decided, on the basis of the works submitted from all over Serbia, that, at the prestigious European Good Practice Competition, the Republic of Serbia should be represented by companies Rudnik i flotacija “Rudnik” doo and Luna doo of Požarevac. The work by Zoran Nedeljković, the executive director, and Ljiljana Obrenović, advisor for chemistry and ecology, entitled „Establishing and Promoting Safety and Health at Work for all the Employees through Practical Professional Training and Daily Risk Assessment at Work“ was sent to the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work in Bilbao, Spain.
Rad autora Zorana Nedeljkovića, izvršnog direktora i Ljiljane Obrenović, savetnika za hemiju i ekologiju, na temu „Uspostavlјanje i unapređenje bezbednosti i zdravlјa na radu za sve zaposlene kroz praktično stručno osposoblјavanje i svakodnevnu procenu rizika na radnim mestima“ poslat je u Evropsku agenciju za bezbednost i zdravlje na radu u Bilbao, Španiju.